Student Paperwork: 9th Grade Physical Form and Health Assessment 8th/7th Code of Conduct/Participation Paper Form 8th/7th Code of Conduct/Participation Electronic Form (make a copy) 8th/7th Code of Conduct/Participation Paper/Sports Physical Form Swahili Translation 8th/7th Code of Conduct/Participation Paper Form/Sport Physical Spanish Translation Concussion Forms Concussion Permission to Test and Release Paper Form Concussion Permission to Test and Release Electronic Form (make a copy) Concussion Permission to Test and Release Paper Form Swahili Translation Concussion Permission to Test and Release Paper Form Spanish Translation Transportation Alterative Site Application for Transportation Coaches Resources: Coaching Classes To be a certified Referee: <CLICK HERE> Parents and Fan resources: Rules and Regulations Idaho High School Activities Association (IHSAA) National Federation of High Schools (NFHS) "The Parent Seat" has been designed for coaches and athletic directors to use during their pre-season parent meetings. It explains the role of a parent during game day and provides suggestions on how they can cope with the roller coaster of emotions that they will feel. Instagram